Monday, April 23, 2007

Things are looking up!

Last week started out on the down side. I arrive at the pool 5:30am Monday morning only to find out that the pool was closed for renovations. The girl at the desk informed me that they had signs up all last week. I informed her that at 5:30 in the morning I’m lucky just to find the front door, forget the little sign at the desk. She handed me a swim schedule for the Franklin YMCA and said they would honor my membership. Now I’m already driving 45 min to get to this Y (it’s on my way to work) so another 15 minutes was pushing it a little.

The weather was also not cooperating, it rained most of the week which made riding a little tough… hence the low totals.

Swim: 0 (the pool was closed)
Bike: 53.8 miles
Run: 16

This weekend was awesome!

Saturday I headed out on a great 6 mile loop from my front door and was back in time get some much needed things done around the house.

Sunday was another great day. My training plan called for a 30 mile bike so I loaded up two bottles of fuel and headed out. I picked a new route that would head out to Horseneck Beach and loop back to the house. The weather was perfect, I must have passed three or four groups of riders… they were going the other direction. The route was hilly, but I was able to average 17.8 mph for 33.8 miles… I got a little lost!

When I got home, my wife and I loaded up the kids and the dogs and headed to the beach. We walked for a couple miles while the kids collected rocks and the dogs played in the water. We ended the day with ice cream… it doesn’t get much better!


Robin said...

Here's to a great weekend!

Nice job on the're gonna rock the course!

Might not fit into your schedule, seems like weekends are family weekends and you squeeze in your workouts around that, which is very cool. However, let me just tell you in case it works, that a bunch of us are going up to ride Mooseman course May 6th. Clipped in ready to ride at 9:00 AM. Some will do one loop; others two loops. It is my tri team and friends. Lemme know if it ends up that this fits, and you wanna join all of us & I can email you the detailed scoop.

John said...

Hey thanks... I'll let you know.