Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Indoor Climbing Rocks!

My three children had no school on Monday so my wife and I decided to take them to do some indoor climbing. The kids were going to take the two hour intro climbing course and I was going to take the belay course so I could take them climbing when ever we wanted. We arrived at Carabiner’s at 10am and the kids met up with their instructor, put on climbing gear and off they went. My plan was to just take the belay course when my instructor asked if I wanted to do a little climbing. He had a group taking the intro climbing and belay course and wanted me to join them. I’m glad I did!

Brennen's first climb on the 65' speed wall
Kaitlyn's first climb on the 65' speed wall
Cullen's first climb!
Cullen doing a little boldering!
In no time Brennen was showing off his new skills on a more technical climb.
Me on the 65' speed wall showing them how its done!
Working the corner backwards!
I'm now Belay Certified... cool!
We had a great time and will definitely do it again. Climbing is a great workout and lots of FUN!!!!


George Houston said...

Very Cool!

I took rock climbing in College and your right it is a good workout.

Arthur said...

Sou Артур Борис, residente/cidadão da República da Rússia. Tenho 42 anos, empresário/empresário. Além disso, uma vez tive dificuldades em financiar meu projeto/negócio, se não fosse por um bom amigo meu que me apresentou ao Sr. Pedro para obter um empréstimo no valor de $ 250.000 USD de sua empresa. Quando os contatei, levou apenas cinco dias úteis para concluir meu processo de empréstimo e transferi-lo para minha conta. Mesmo com um histórico de crédito ruim, eles ainda oferecem seus serviços a você. Eles também oferecem todos os tipos de empréstimos, como empréstimos comerciais, empréstimos imobiliários, empréstimos pessoais, empréstimos para automóveis. Não sei como agradecê-los pelo que fizeram por mim, mas Deus os recompensará de acordo com suas riquezas em glória. Se você precisar de assistência financeira urgente, entre em contato hoje mesmo por e-mail, pedroloanss@gmail.com .