Tuesday, June 20, 2006

13th Annual Swin Buzzards Bay!

July 15th is the Annual Swin Buzzards Bay event. I've always wanted to participate in this event, but once again it falls on my annual two week vacation to Maine. Here is some information from the Save Buzzards Bay web site. I hope you can check it out and maybe even enter, the proceeds go to a great organization.

"Jump in and join us Saturday, July 15th for the 13th Annual Swim Buzzards Bay. By participating in the Swim, you are making the statement that clean water and a healthy environment are important to you and your family.

You are also helping to raise much needed funds to help us protect Buzzards Bay. The money you raise will go directly toward our education, conservation, research and advocacy programs.

The 1.2 mile open-water swim is ideal for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Participants start at New Bedford's south end, swim across outer New Bedford Harbor, and cross the finish line at Fort Phoenix State Beach in Fairhaven to the sounds of cheering crowds, plenty of food and drink, and even massage therapists to help ease aching muscles!

Registration is Now Open!"

On the site you can get more information and a registration form. If anyone does decide to enter, please let me know how you make out!

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